The Beginning

For those who know me, it isn't any secret that I've always loved all things Titanic. It started in fourth grade when I saw the movie in the theater. Okay, so I saw it about four times in the movie theater. Anyway, first I fell in love with Leonardo DiCaprio. Then I fell in love with the movie. Most importantly, I fell in love with the actual history and background of the magnificent ship of dreams.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Titanic in 3D?!

My previous post of the movie trailer reminded me about the interesting rumors I've heard about James Cameron releasing Titanic 3D in 2012. When Googled, it seems to be official. For me, I relish the idea of seeing Titanic on the big screen one more time.

Is there really a downside? I'm not sure. Although Cameron is known to produce kick-butt 3D movies (reference Avatar), are his skills good enough to convert an already 13 year old movie into a world of three dimensionial "awesomeness"?

I do feel confident since the task is in Cameron's hands, considering he has produced the top two grossing movies of all time.  But maybe like the real Titanic's underwater grave, this film needs to be left undisturbed.

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